
2024日本専門医機構社員総会関連問題 堕ちた帝王門脇孝vs権威の挑戦者ジャンヌ仲田洋美 日本専門医機構 日本専門医機構社員・役員















Pas op!

フリードリヒ・ニーチェ(Friedrich Nietzsche)

「事実は存在しない、解釈があるだけだ」(”There are no facts, only interpretations.”): この言葉は、物事の理解が主観的であり、しばしば偏見や誤解に基づくことを強調しています。誰かが他者を陥れようとする場合、事実ではなく自分に都合の良い解釈に基づいて行動することがあると理解できます。














































Hello everyone.
In the previous article, we reported on the content of the comments made by Dr. Kadowaki, President of the Japan Medical Association, and Dr. Matsumoto, President of the Japan Medical Association, at the general meeting of the Japan Medical Specialty Board held on 28 June 2024. (Related article:Japan Medical Specialty Board 2024/06/28 General Meeting: Unrestful remarks by the President of the Japan Medical Association and the President of the Japan Medical Association )
This time, we would like to examine the legal issues surrounding the comments made by Dr. Kadowaki at the Japan Medical Specialty Board 2024/06/28 General Meeting.
We will be delving deeper into these issues in a series of articles, so please look forward to them.
Let’s review the problematic comments made by Dr. Takashi Kadowaki, President of the Japanese Medical Science Federation, at the Japan Medical Specialty Board General Meeting.
Dr. Kadowaki, President of the Japanese Medical Science Federation:
My name is Kadowaki, and I am the President of the Japanese Medical Science Federation. -omission-
The other thing that concerns me is the administration of the secretariat, and the cooperation between the secretariat, the board of directors, the various committees, and the various academic societies. At the extraordinary general meeting of employees on 29th February, when President Watanabe was trying to explain the number of residents to be recruited in 2024, there was a situation where the documents were not distributed to the employees and directors, and there was a misunderstanding. I was concerned that this was not just an administrative mistake, but that there was a lack of coordination between the board of directors and the secretariat.
After that, I heard from many people involved that the secretariat was not able to provide various reports and explanations to the board of directors, committees, academic societies, etc. The secretariat strongly requested that academic societies in each field register for the system despite being insufficiently prepared, causing confusion, and it took time for the board of directors to be informed of the multiple leaks of personal information, and the list goes on.
In addition, I have heard on multiple occasions that the person in charge at the secretariat approached various academic societies with a story that had no basis in fact, and that this led to a situation that was considered suspicious. While the individual secretariat staff are working hard, I have serious concerns about the external governance of the person in charge at the secretariat, who has contact with various doctors and business partners. I have also heard that the working environment is such that the treatment of secretariat staff is influenced by the decisions of the secretariat’s responsible persons without consultation or approval from the President or Board of Directors, and that secretariat staff cannot engage in their work with peace of mind.
I have just approved the 25 directors, but I would like the next executive board to make sure that the treatment is fair, and to work hard to create a good working environment with psychological safety and good communication, and to establish proper governance as a specialist medical organisation. That is all.
Dr. Kadowaki, President of the Japan Medical Association, made these remarks at the Japan Medical Specialty Board’s general meeting of employees. (We cannot guarantee the exact wording of the remarks.)
Issues with Dr. Kadowaki’s Remarks
In this article, we would like to consider the issues with the following parts of the remarks
The fact that ‘At the previous extraordinary general meeting (29th February), the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Watanabe, tried to explain the number of specialist doctors to be recruited in 2024, but there were no handouts and confusion arose’ is linked to the conclusion that ‘There are concerns that this problem is not just an administrative error, but may be due to a lack of cooperation between the Board of Directors and the secretariat.’
Pas op!
People who are trying to frame someone often try to link one event to a completely different conclusion without checking the facts.
Friedrich Nietzsche
‘There are no facts, only interpretations.’ This phrase emphasises that our understanding of things is subjective and often based on prejudice and misunderstanding. When someone tries to frame someone else, it can be understood that they may act based on their own convenient interpretation rather than the facts.
The fact that Mr. Kadowaki points out is that ‘the materials were not distributed regarding the content that the Chairman Watanabe tried to explain at the general meeting of employees’.
How does that lead to the conclusion that ‘there is concern that the cause is a lack of cooperation between the board of directors and the secretariat’?
In this case, there are several possible patterns for the event ‘the materials were not distributed for the content that the Chairman Watanabe tried to explain at the general meeting of employees’.
Possible patterns
1. Mr. Watanabe forgot to tell the secretariat to prepare the final materials at the meeting before the general meeting of employees.
2. Mr. Watanabe decided to make an oral presentation without preparing the final materials at the meeting before the general meeting of employees.
3. Mr Watanabe told the secretariat to prepare the final documents at the meeting before the general meeting, but the secretariat made a mistake.
4. Mr Watanabe said that he didn’t have to prepare the documents, but when an employee said ‘there are no documents’, he mentioned that this was a mistake by the secretariat.
So why did Mr. Kadowaki make such a big deal of this fact at the Japan Medical Specialty Board’s general meeting of employees, a gathering of around 100 people, without even considering these possibilities?
In fact, on that day, there were many people who thought ‘Why is the President of The Japanese Medical Science Federation making such a comment at the Japan Medical Specialty Board General Meeting? What on earth is going on? Is he all right making such a comment?’. (So I heard about it too.)
However, there was probably a reason why Dr. Kadowaki made such a comment.
In fact, at the general meeting of employees on 29th February, when the Chairman Watanabe was explaining about the number of medical specialists to be employed in 2024, he said, ‘Please refer to the documents in front of you’.
Then, an employee (probably Dr. Kadowaki) interrupted him, saying, ‘I don’t have the documents in front of me’.
At that time, Professor Watanabe is said to have replied, ‘I’m sorry. It was a mistake by the secretariat’.
So, it may be understandable that Professor Kadowaki thought, ‘The secretariat is inexcusable for not preparing the materials properly!
Originally, I have heard from several people that Takashi Kadowaki is someone who is very picky about small details, such as this one thing being different from that one thing. Well, to put it simply, he’s a pain in the neck for the secretariat, isn’t he? (Please note that I’m not saying he’s a nasty person!)
But why is Dr. Kadowaki talking about the ‘poor communication between the board of directors and the secretariat’ when he could have just said ‘the board of directors and the secretariat’?
That’s strange. The President of the Japan Medical Congress (President of the Japanese Medical Science Federation) is the head of the Japan Medical Science Federation, which represents the Japanese medical community, and is responsible for promoting academic activities and making recommendations on medical policy. It would also be appropriate to describe him as ‘the overall manager of an academic organisation for medicine’. As the overall manager of the Japan Medical Science Federation, an academic organisation for the field of medicine, the President of the Japan Medical Science Federation oversees all of its activities.
Two of the most important elements of science are ‘provability’ and ‘reproducibility’.
Provability means that scientific claims and hypotheses are verified through observation and experimentation. It is necessary to be able to determine whether a claim is correct based on the evidence.
Reproducibility refers to the fact that when other researchers perform the same experiment under the same conditions, they obtain the same results. This confirms that the results are not coincidental, but reliable.
These are the foundations of the scientific method, and are important elements that support the reliability and objectivity of science.
If medicine is a field of science, why did Mr. Kadowaki expand the phrase ‘poor communication between the board of directors and the secretariat’ to ‘the board of directors and the secretariat’?
I don’t understand at all.
Also, why does Mr. Kadowaki assume that Mr. Watanabe told the truth at the general meeting of employees?
If he is assuming that people close to him (in this case, Tsuyoshi Watanabe) would never lie to him, then Mr. Kadowaki is a very lucky person.
However, reality often defies expectations. Sometimes the people you trust unintentionally pass on incorrect information, and sometimes they deliberately conceal things. If Mr. Kadowaki were to face such a fact, how would his beliefs change? The truth in human relationships is always complex and multifaceted.
2024/02/29 What is the truth behind the secretariat’s explanation by the Japan Medical Specialty Board’s Chairman Watanabe at the general meeting of the organisation’s employees?
I had a lot of trouble gathering this information.
As a result, I have come to understand a lot of things.
First of all, ‘Chairman Watanabe tried to explain the number of specialist doctors to be recruited in 2024’, but at that point, there were still some academic societies that were in the process of compiling their data.
So, because it wasn’t official data, it was inappropriate to present it at the general meeting of employees.
How should it be presented?
As an interim report?
Or should it be treated as a reference document?
At the meeting, while the importance of making decisions based on accurate information was emphasised, it was also necessary to share the current situation and maintain transparency.
Ultimately, the focus was on what form would be most appropriate for providing information in a way that would not lead to misunderstandings and would also deepen understanding throughout the organisation.
President Watanabe is reported to have said
‘I don’t need official figures, but I really want to make an announcement at the extraordinary general meeting of employees on 2/29.’
“I don’t need to prepare any documents, I’ll just make the announcement verbally.’
Then, at the general meeting of employees on 29 February, he suddenly said, ‘Please look at the documents in your hands’, but when the audience pointed out that there were no documents, he said, ‘I apologise for the mistake made by the secretariat in not being able to distribute the documents’.
After the meeting, the secretariat made a formal complaint to the President Watanabe, saying ‘In the first place, the secretariat asked the President not to make a presentation because there was a conference where data was being compiled, but the President insisted on making a presentation, and so it was decided that he could make a presentation verbally. Despite the fact that we had already discussed beforehand that there was no need for written materials, why did you say something that was contrary to the facts in front of our employees?’
Of course they would.
In response to this, Tsuyoshi Watanabe is said to have said something along the lines of ‘I had no choice. I had to say that in order to settle things down’.
As a boss, that’s the worst thing you could do. It must be really tough for the people who work under a boss like that.
Essentially, this whole thing could have been settled if Tsuyoshi Watanabe had just said ‘Oh, I was wrong. I don’t have the documents.’ at the time.
To sacrifice his subordinate in order to save his own face is extremely unfair. If it’s true.
I’ve heard it from multiple people, so I’ve decided that there is truth to this story.
If I don’t think there is truth to it, I can’t write about it, because I would be accused of defamation.
What? What?
Dr. Kadowaki, without any doubt about the truthfulness of Dr. Watanabe’s comments, even went as far as to say, ‘I was concerned that it might not have been a simple administrative error, but rather a sign of poor communication between the board of directors and the secretariat.’
Isn’t Dr. Kadowaki a scientist?
Is ‘truthfulness’ something that he considers to be ‘so light that it can be made to mean whatever he wants by the authority of it being a statement from the president of the medical association’?
Normally, when I make a statement like this that raises questions about someone, I gather a lot of evidence and make sure that the truthfulness is properly guaranteed.
I’m a small-minded person.
there is such a thing as defamation in this world.
It is stipulated in Article 230 of the Criminal Code, and is established when someone publicly lowers another person’s social reputation by stating facts.
However, there are also grounds for exemption from illegality.
The term ‘justifiable cause’ refers to reasons or circumstances that justify an act that would normally be considered illegal if certain conditions are met. This means that in certain circumstances, actions that would normally be considered crimes or illegal acts are considered justifiable and are not subject to punishment or compensation.
The main reasons for exemption from illegality
Self-defence: An act that is unavoidably committed in order to protect one’s own or another’s life, body, or property.
Emergency escape: An act that is unavoidably committed in order to avoid a current danger to oneself or another.
Official act: An act committed by a public servant or police officer in the course of their duties in accordance with the law.
Justifiable act: An act committed in accordance with the law, legitimate business, or social propriety.
If these reasons are recognised, the illegality of the relevant act is negated and the actor will not be held legally responsible.
The reasons for negating the illegality of defamation refer to the reasons and circumstances under which the illegality of defamation is negated (i.e. not considered illegal) even in situations where defamation of another person’s reputation would normally be considered illegal, if certain conditions are met.
Typical reasons for the illegality of defamation to be ruled out
The following are examples of reasons for the illegality of defamation to be ruled out.
1. Publication of facts concerning public interest
If the defamatory statement or expression is a fact concerning public interest, and it is considered to be important information that attracts public interest and is beneficial to society, there is a possibility that the illegality will be ruled out.
2. Proof of truthfulness (truth defence)
If it is proven that the statement or expression is true, that is, if it is based on fact, then even if the statement is defamatory, there is a possibility that the illegality of the statement will be ruled out. However, it is necessary that the statement be completely true. In Japanese courts, even if the facts are proven to be true in ‘important respects’, there are cases where this is recognised as a reason for the illegality of the statement to be ruled out.
3. Proof of substantial truth
If the speaker has a reasonable basis for believing that the content is true (for example, if it is based on a reliable source), the act may not be considered illegal. This is often used in particular when the media and other organisations publish important facts.
4. Acts for a justifiable purpose
If a statement or expression is made for the purpose of social or public benefit, and the purpose is recognised as legitimate, the illegality of the act may be negated. For example, this would apply to an expression made with the aim of denouncing a social problem.
5. Guarantee of free speech
The freedom of expression guaranteed by the constitution is also a factor that can be used to dismiss the illegality of defamation. However, this is not unlimited, and a balance with the rights and interests of the other party is necessary. Just because there is freedom of expression does not mean that you can defame someone else’s reputation unconditionally.

If these reasons are accepted, even if there is an act of defamation, it will be justified legally and the perpetrator will not be held legally responsible.
Mr. Kadowaki’s comments were made ‘publicly’ in front of more than 100 people, based on the premise that they were not true in the first place, and they implied that ‘the board of directors and the secretariat were not getting along’.
And in the statement that preceded this, he said, ‘First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to the board of directors and all those involved who have worked so hard to manage the fifth term system. The Japan Medical Specialty Board has now been in existence for 10 years, and I would like to express my gratitude for the way in which it has shaped the specialist system in Japan while responding to social changes such as the introduction of the ceiling system and work-style reforms.’ and is praising the board of directors and other people involved, so if we look at this trend, wouldn’t it mean that the problem is with the secretariat system when we say, ‘There are concerns that this issue is not just an administrative error, but may be due to a lack of cooperation between the board of directors and the secretariat’?
What should Mr. Kadowaki have done?
I think that someone in a position to lead a scientific organisation like the Japan Medical Association (academia) should have made it a priority to find out what really happened.
For example, he could have asked the secretariat, ‘Dr Watanabe said that at the general meeting, but could you check with the secretariat staff to see what really happened?
I think that at the very least, he should have asked the secretariat staff at The Japanese Medical Science Federation to check for him.
There is no way that the content I would find out about would not be found out by the president of The Japanese Medical Science Federation.
In short, Mr. Kadowaki can be assessed as having ‘believed what he wanted to believe, and then spoken as if it were the truth’, and having lowered the credibility of the secretariat of the Japan Medical Specialty Board.
Wait a minute.
Doesn’t this perfectly meet the requirements for defamation?
Oh no!
Isn’t this a problem?
I will write about the other problems with Mr. Kadowaki’s comments
in turn.
As this issue involves the president of The Japanese Medical Science Federation, which is supposed to be the highest peak of Japanese medical academia, I will add English to the article, as I did last time.
You know, it’s better if people from all over the world can see it.
After all, Japanese people can only change if they are given a good kick.
If you have any problems with the content, or if you find any mistakes in the English, or if you have any information to provide, please let us know in the comments section!



ミネルバクリニック院長・仲田洋美は、日本内科学会内科専門医、日本臨床腫瘍学会がん薬物療法専門医 (がん薬物療法専門医認定者名簿)、日本人類遺伝学会臨床遺伝専門医(臨床遺伝専門医名簿:東京都)として従事し、患者様の心に寄り添った診療を心がけています。
