“今日、私はペロシ下院議長がトランプ大統領を追放するためにマイク・ペンス副大統領に修正25条を発動させようとする決議案を全会一致で採択しようとしたことに異議を唱えました ペロシ下院議長はこのような大規模な決議案を、下院での議論なしに採択しようとすべきではない。
トレンディング. AOCの質問に激昂したペロシがレポーターにSnaps: ‘That Was Kind of Sharp’
“水曜日に、大統領はアメリカに対する致命的な反乱を扇動し、それは私たちの民主主義のまさに中心部を標的としています。大統領は、私たちの憲法、私たちの国とアメリカの人々への差し迫った脅威を表し、彼はすぐにオフィスから削除されなければならない “とペロシは彼女のウェブサイト上の声明で述べた。”本日、ホイヤー党首はプロフォーマ・セッションで、ジェイミー・ラスキン下院議員が副大統領に内閣を動員して大統領を罷免するために修正25条を発動するよう求める法案を取り上げ、全会一致の同意要求を紹介しました。
“共和党下院議員はアメリカを守るためにこの法案を拒否しました” “大統領の動揺した不安定で狂った反乱行為の継続を可能にしています 彼らの共謀はアメリカを危険にさらし、民主主義を侵食し、終わらせなければならない」と述べた。
“次はラスキン法案を通常通り審議し 副大統領に修正25条を発動して 大統領を解任するよう求める 通過後24時間以内に副大統領に対応するよう求めている」
フォックス・ニュースは「トランプ政権の高官」からペンス氏が “修正25条との対話には一切関与していない “との情報を得たと報じた。
Democrats’ Bid to Remove Trump via ‘Quick Consideration’ Measure Gets Blocked
A West Virginia Republican on Monday quashed House Democrats’ efforts to pass a resolution demanding that Vice President Mike Pence act to remove President Donald Trump using the 25th Amendment.Democrats wanted what’s called unanimous consent to pass the resolution, which continues the headlong efforts of Democrats to remove Trump from office before the president’s term ends on Jan. 20, when President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office. The 25th Amendment allows a vice president and the president’s Cabinet to remove a president from office who is incapable of performing his duties.
Democrats were foiled by Republican Rep. Alex Mooney of West Virginia, who objected to the request. He explained his reasons in a statement published on his website.
“Today I objected to Speaker Pelosi’s attempt to adopt via unanimous consent a resolution calling on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump. Speaker Pelosi should not attempt to adopt a resolution of this magnitude without any debate on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives,” Mooney said.“It is wrong to have sent members of Congress home and then try to adopt without any debate a precedent-setting resolution that could imperil our Republic. The U.S. House must never adopt a resolution that demands the removal of a duly elected president, without any hearings, debate or recorded votes.”
TRENDING: Agitated Pelosi Snaps at Reporter Over AOC Question: ‘That Was Kind of Sharp’
Pelosi said that Democrats will continue their effort to drive Trump from office Tuesday when the House reconvenes.
“On Wednesday, the President incited a deadly insurrection against America that targeted the very heart of our Democracy. The President represents an imminent threat to our Constitution, our Country and the American people, and he must be removed from office immediately,” Pelosi said in a statement on her website. “Today, in pro forma session, Leader Hoyer introduced a Unanimous Consent request to take up legislation by Congressman Jamie Raskin calling on the Vice President to mobilize the Cabinet to activate the 25th Amendment to remove the President.
“The House Republicans rejected this legislation to protect America, enabling the President’s unhinged, unstable and deranged acts of sedition to continue. Their complicity endangers America, erodes our Democracy, and it must end,” the House speaker went on.“The House will next take up the Raskin legislation in regular order to call upon the Vice President to activate the 25th Amendment to remove the President. We are further calling on the Vice President to respond within 24 hours after passage.”
Fox News reported that it was told by a “senior Trump administration official” that Pence “has not been involved in any 25th Amendment conversations.”Although the effort to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump appears stalled, a vote to impeach Trump will come Wednesday, according to CNN.
The article of impeachment against Trump will charge him with “incitement of insurrection.”]“Donald John Trump engaged in high Crimes and Misdemeanors by willfully inciting violence against the Government of the United States,” the article reads. “He threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of Government. He thereby betrayed his trust as President, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.”
Democratic Rep. David Cicilline of Rhode Island said passage is assured in the House, whose Democratic majority could be increased by Republicans angered at Trump over his conduct before, during and after last week’s Capitol incursion.