





元米国議会議事堂警察署長のスティーブン・サンドが、議事堂襲撃以来初のオンカメラインタビューで、その日に起こったことについてFOX 5に語っています。

ワシントン(FOX 5 DC)-元議事堂警察署長のスティーブン・サンドは、攻撃と彼の地位からの辞任以来の最初のオンカメラインタビューで、1月6日に発生した議事堂の暴動について語っています。

スンドはFOX 5 DCに話し、ナタリー・ルビーノに、彼が攻撃の2日前に下院と上院の警備当局に州兵を呼ぶ許可を求めたが、拒否されたと話しました。
“私は愕然としました “と、スンドは述べています。


“私の役員はそこにあった、”とSundは言った。”彼らは懸命に戦っていた。彼らはキャピタルを守るためにできる限りのことをしていましたが、私たちはそれを経験しなければなりませんでした。私は責任を取り、私の士官がそれを経験しなければならなかったことを 本当に申し訳なく思っています」と述べた。



Former Capitol Police Chief speaks on Capitol riot in first on-camera interview since attack

Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief speaks out following riot, resignation
Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund talks to FOX 5 in his first on-camera interview since the attack on the Capitol about what happened that day.

WASHINGTON (FOX 5 DC) – Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund is speaking out on the Capitol riot that occurred on Jan. 6 in his first on-camera interview since the attack and his resignation from his position.

Sund spoke to FOX 5 DC, telling our Natalie Rubino that he asked House and Senate security officials for their permission to call in the National Guard two days prior to the attack and was denied.
“I was astonished,” Sund said.

When asked about a video circulating on social media of Capitol Police officers opening gates and letting people further into Capitol grounds, Sund said any types of incidents like that will be investigated but is concerning.
Sund got emotional when recalling what the Capitol Police officers went through, saying they were only expecting a large protest and not a mobbed attack.

“My officers were out there,” Sund said. “They were battling hard. They were doing everything they could to protect the Capitol and we had to go through that, and that’s what’s concerning. I take responsibility and I really feel bad that my officers had to go through that.”

Two Capitol Police officers have died following the riot. Multiple officers were also wounded as a result of the attack on the Capitol.

“We just had the death of Brian Sicknick, Howard [Liebengood] – he was a close friend of mine. Brian was a fantastic officer,” Sund said. “You won’t talk to a single person that doesn’t say Brian was one of the nicest guys around.”



ミネルバクリニック院長・仲田洋美は、日本内科学会内科専門医、日本臨床腫瘍学会がん薬物療法専門医 (がん薬物療法専門医認定者名簿)、日本人類遺伝学会臨床遺伝専門医(臨床遺伝専門医名簿:東京都)として従事し、患者様の心に寄り添った診療を心がけています。
