
2024日本専門医機構社員総会関連問題 堕ちた帝王門脇孝vs権威の挑戦者ジャンヌ仲田洋美 日本専門医機構 日本専門医機構社員・役員












理事長  海老澤 元宏
委員長  新 実 彰 男


















1. 戦後の専門医制度の誕生


2. 専門医制度の統一と透明化の動き(2000年代)


3. 日本専門医機構の設立と二階建て制度の導入(2014年)

基本領域専門医: 医療の基本を担う19の専門分野(例:内科、外科、小児科など)での専門医を取得する段階。
サブスペシャルティ専門医: 基本領域専門医取得後に、さらに特定分野の専門性を深めたサブスペシャリティ領域での専門医を取得する段階。




委員長名 滝田 順子
副委員長 鈴木  昌
委  員 池田 徳彦  市川 智彦  今村 英仁  楫   靖  梶波 康二  名越 澄子  松本 陽子  渡辺 雅彦  
担当理事 江口 英利




1. 専門医機構の中立性と公益性の損失

2. 利益相反のリスク

3. 透明性の欠如

4. 他の学会や専門領域への影響








1. アレルギー学会に対する姿勢と内科中心主義

2. サブスペシャルティ領域検討委員会での不適切な行動

3. 透明性と説明責任の欠如

4. 利害対立の疑惑




1. 公正な意思決定の欠如

2. 透明性の欠如

3. 利益相反の懸念

4. 組織内の不満や不信の増大










方針や規則の調整: 各組織が持つ方針や規則に基づいて、調整が必要な事項を話し合い、共通の理解や合意を形成します。
利害関係の調整: 各関係者の利益や要望が異なる場合、折衝を通じて最善の解決策を見つけることが目指されます。
課題の解決: 複雑な問題や意見の対立が発生した際に、事務局が仲介役として課題解決を図ります。
スムーズな実務進行: 手続きや進行に関する細かい調整を行い、事業や計画が円滑に進むように調整します。





1. 保証のない話を持ちかけることの問題

2. 事務局折衝の誤解

3. 内科中心主義の横暴さとリーダーシップの問題

4. 発言の矛盾と責任の所在の不明確さ





Hello everyone.
In the previous article, we reported on the content of the comments made by Dr. Kadowaki, President of the Japan Medical Association, and Dr. Matsumoto, President of the Japan Medical Association, at the Japan Medical Specialty Organization’s general meeting of employees on June 28th, 2024, which included the words “Why do I have to say this here? (Related article: Japan Medical Specialty Board 2024/06/28 General Meeting: Unrestful Remarks by the President of the Japan Medical Association and the President of the Japan Medical Association)
This time, we would like to examine the legal issues surrounding the remarks made by Dr. Kadowaki at the Japan Medical Specialty Board 2024/06/28 General Meeting.
We will be looking into these issues in a series of articles, so please look forward to them.
Related articles: Examining the issues surrounding the comments made by Japan Medical Association President Takashi Kadowaki at the 2024 Japan Medical Specialty Board General Meeting [1]
Examining the issues surrounding the comments made by Japan Medical Association President Takashi Kadowaki at the 2024 Japan Medical Specialty Board General Meeting [2]
Reviewing the controversial comments made by Japan Medical Association President Takashi Kadowaki at the Japan Medical Specialty Board General Meeting
For the full text, please see
Japan Medical Specialty Organization 2024/06/28 General Meeting: Unrestful Remarks by the President of the Japan Medical Association and the President of the Japan Medical Association
Issues with the Remarks of Takashi Kadowaki
In this article, we would like to consider the issues with the following parts.
We have also received multiple reports that the person in charge of the secretariat approached each academic society with a proposal that was not guaranteed, and this led to suspicion.
This is just my guess, but I think he is probably referring to the Japanese Society of Allergology (I think I’m probably not wrong).
Please see the following comment from the Japanese Society of Allergology.
Update date: March 11, 2022
March 11, 2022
To whom it may concern
Japanese Society of Allergology
President: Motohiro Ebisawa
Special Committee for Countermeasures for the New Specialist System
Chairman: Minoru Niimi
Apologies to doctors who were thinking of aiming to become a provisionally certified specialist in allergy by the Japan Medical Specialty Board
The Japanese Society of Allergology, under the guidance of the Japan Medical Specialty Board, has been preparing to launch the “Japan Medical Specialty Board-certified Allergist System (provisional)” in April 2022, with internal medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, otolaryngology, and ophthalmology as the basic fields, and to transition to the official “Japan Medical Specialty Board-certified Allergist System” in 2023, with the Special Committee for the New Specialist System taking the lead. As of the fall of 2021, the organization had accepted the provisional start of the organization-accredited allergy specialist system in April 2022, so we began accepting applications for group facilities (programs) based on the new system in January 2022.
However, the result of the review of the development standards by the JAAAC that we received at the end of February was that the review of the development standards for JAAAC-certified allergy specialists would be “put on hold”. The content of the review was that the development standards would have to be fundamentally reconsidered again, such as “reviewing the basic fields (should be limited to internal medicine) with the aim of starting in April 2023” or “aiming for JAAAC-approved and academic society-approved specialists”.
Due to the unexpected response from the organization that turned the world upside down, there was no longer any guarantee that the organization-approved allergy specialist system with five basic fields would be approved in April 2023, so it was no longer possible to start the organization-approved allergy specialist system (provisional) from April this year.
As the Japanese Society of Allergology, we would like to offer our sincere apologies for the great inconvenience caused to those doctors who were aiming to become a JSO-certified allergist (provisional).
We have already sent a letter of inquiry to the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, which oversees the internal medicine subspecialty area, and we will also be making an immediate inquiry to the JSO, and we will continue to work persistently to realize a JSO-certified allergist system based on the five basic areas. We look forward to your continued cooperation.
Source:Apology to doctors who were aiming to become provisionally certified allergy specialists by the JSO
In short, the Japanese Society of Allergology had been working to have its so-called specialist doctors certified by the society become “JSO-certified specialists” certified by the Japan Medical Specialty Board from January 2022. However, this plan has now been scrapped.
So, what were the causes of this?
Today, I would like to talk about the problems with the program accreditation of the Japan Medical Specialty Board, which are not well known.
What were the problems with the program accreditation of the Japanese Society of Allergology?
There are various diseases that cause allergies, and there are adults and children, conjunctivitis and rhinitis, so the Japanese Society of Allergology aims to have internal medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, otolaryngology, and ophthalmology as its basic fields.
What are the basic fields of specialty for the Japan Medical Specialty Board?
The basic fields of specialty for the Japan Medical Specialty Board have been established to ensure that doctors acquire advanced knowledge and skills in specific fields of specialization and to improve the quality of medical care. Currently, there are 19 basic fields of specialty, including internal medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery, orthopedics, and obstetrics and gynecology. After undergoing training and examinations in these fields, specialists are certified and expected to contribute to community healthcare. The basic fields are the foundation for advanced, specialized medical care, and doctors who have completed their training can also go on to further subspecialty fields. The Japan Medical Specialty Board sets the basic fields in response to medical needs and social demands.
Subspecialty specialists, such as allergists, cannot become certified unless they have first become certified in a basic field.
In order to become a subspecialty specialist (a specialist in a specific field), you must first become a basic specialist. The system is set up so that doctors who have acquired basic clinical skills in fields such as internal medicine and surgery as basic specialists, and who have then further deepened their expertise in a specific field, are certified as subspecialty specialists. The qualification of a basic specialist is a prerequisite for studying in a subspecialty field. This type of specialist system is generally referred to as a “two-tiered” system.
The history of the two-tiered specialist system in Japan
The background to the introduction of the two-tiered specialist system in Japan is to improve the quality of specialists and to improve the medical care provision system. This system is divided into two tiers: basic area specialists and subspecialty specialists. The history of this system is outlined below.
1. The birth of the post-war specialist system
In Japan, as the post-war medical system was being developed, each specialist academic society gradually formed its own system for certifying specialists. This created a foundation for doctors to acquire advanced knowledge and skills in specific fields, but the system lacked consistency, and the certification criteria differed between each academic society.
2. Movement towards unification and transparency of the specialist system (2000s)
As we entered the 2000s, there was a growing need to guarantee the quality of specialists and provide them in a way that was easy for the public to understand. In particular, there was a full-scale movement to unify the certification standards that had been different for each academic society, and to make the system more transparent and consistent. As a result, discussions were held to unify the specialist system at a national level.
3. Establishment of the Japan Medical Specialty Board and introduction of the two-tier system (2014)
The Japan Medical Specialty Board was established in 2014 as an organization to unify and make the specialist system more transparent. As a result, the specialist system became a two-tier structure of “basic areas” and “subspecialty areas”.
Basic Field Specialist: The stage of acquiring a specialist qualification in one of the 19 basic medical fields (e.g. internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, etc.).
Subspecialty Specialist: The stage of acquiring a specialist qualification in a subspecialty field, which is a more specific field of expertise than the basic field.
This two-tiered system means that doctors can first be certified in a basic specialist field, and then go on to further their studies in a more advanced specialist field.
The introduction of the two-tiered specialist system has made Japanese healthcare more consistent and transparent, and has created a healthcare provision system that the public can trust. This has also led to the systematic training of doctors, and has strengthened the system for providing high-quality healthcare.
Subspecialty Field Review Committee
The Subspecialty Field Review Committee has been established within the Japan Medical Specialty Board to discuss matters related to the accreditation of subspecialty fields. This committee examines the development of subspecialty fields, the accreditation process for new fields, and operational policies.
The following members have been appointed to the Japan Medical Specialty Board from the 6th term, which was elected in June 2024.
Chairperson: Junko Takita
Vice-Chairperson: Masashi Suzuki
Committee Members: Norihiko Ikeda, Tomohiko Ichikawa, Hidehito Imamura, Yasushi Kaji, Koji Kajinami, Sumiko Nagoshi, Yoko Matsumoto, Masahiko Watanabe
Director in Charge: Hidetoshi Eguchi
Until the last election, Director Shunichi Miyazaki was a member of the Subspecialty Committee (hereafter referred to as the “Subspecialty Committee”).
Mr. Miyazaki is a director of the Japan Medical Specialty Organization (JSMO) from the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (JSIM).
The JSIM has stated that it has appointed a director to the JSMO in order to represent the interests of the JSIM. I heard this directly from the previous JSIM Secretary General.
The problem with the statement that the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine “has a director on the board of the Japan Medical Specialty Board to represent the interests of the internal medicine association
There are several problems with the statement that the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine ‘has a director on the board of the Japan Medical Specialty Board to represent the interests of the internal medicine association’. This raises important concerns, particularly regarding the neutrality and transparency of the Japan Medical Specialty Board.
1. Loss of neutrality and public interest of the Japan Medical Specialty Board
The Japan Medical Specialty Board was established with the aim of improving the quality of medical care for the whole nation and ensuring fair and transparent certification of specialists, rather than for the benefit of specific academic societies or organizations. However, the intention of specific academic societies to send their own representatives to the board to represent their own interests could undermine the neutrality of the board. This could lead to decisions being made in favor of specific academic societies and their affiliates, and other fields and academic societies could be treated unfairly.
2. Risk of conflict of interest
The fact that the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine is sending a director to the Japan Medical Specialty Board to protect its own interests raises the issue of conflict of interest. As the Japan Medical Specialty Board is responsible for certifying specialists in all medical fields using fair standards, the increased influence of specific academic societies risks undermining the credibility and fairness of the board.
3. Lack of transparency
The explicit statement that the organization exists “to represent the interests of the medical profession” could lead to a lack of trust in the transparency of internal discussions and decision-making. The decisions of the organization need to be based on fair processes and widely accepted by society, but if the influence of specific interest groups becomes too strong, it could invite criticism of a lack of transparency.
4. Impact on other academic societies and specialist fields
If other academic societies, like the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, also start sending their own representatives to the board of directors of the medical specialist organization in order to protect their own interests, the organization as a whole could become a place for the interests of each academic society to be coordinated. This could potentially lead to a deviation from the original purpose of the organization, which is to certify medical specialists in order to provide fair, high-quality medical care to the entire nation.

The Japan Medical Specialty Board is required to make fair and neutral judgments in all medical fields. The attitude of certain academic societies sending their own board members to protect their own interests could cause concerns about the reliability, neutrality and fairness of the organization. Such behavior runs counter to the aim of increasing the transparency of the specialist system and gaining the trust of the public, and needs to be reconsidered.
The problem with Director Shunichi Miyazaki
Shunichi Miyazaki is currently working as the director of the Tondabayashi Hospital, and is active as a cardiologist. Before that, I believe he was a professor at Kinki University.
Miyazaki is a director of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, and together with the current president of the Japan Medical Specialty Board, Watanabe, he has been in charge of the specialist system at the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine for a long time.
With regard to the Japanese Society of Allergology, he is said to have repeatedly declared that “becoming an allergy specialist based on a field other than internal medicine is not acceptable”. We have received testimony from several reliable sources regarding this, so we believe it to be true.
The problem with Mr. Miyazaki does not end there. The chairperson of the subcommittee is Junko Takita. The content decided by the sub-committee is first passed through the steering committee and then to the board of directors. Until the 5th term, people who were not board members were not allowed to attend the board of directors meetings, so committee chairperson Takita was unable to attend the board of directors meetings, and the content compiled by the sub-committee was answered by board member Miyazaki at the board of directors meetings.
However, Mr. Miyazaki would repeatedly withdraw the content of the resolution on his own, saying that he could not accept it, even though he had agreed to it when it was discussed at the subcommittee meeting.
This is just my speculation, but I think that no matter how many times the sub-specialty committee passed a resolution designating the Japanese Society of Allergology as having “internal medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, otolaryngology, and ophthalmology as its basic fields”, Mr. Miyazaki would withdraw it when he brought it up at the board meeting because it went against his own ideas.
Assuming this to be true, let’s discuss the following.
The issues pointed out with regard to Dr. Shunichi Miyazaki are particularly related to his actions during the decision-making process for the specialist medical system.
We will now summarize the main issues
1. His attitude towards the Japanese Society of Allergology and his focus on internal medicine
Dr. Miyazaki is a representative of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine and serves as a director of the Japan Medical Specialty Board. It is said that he repeatedly made statements such as “I do not recognize becoming an allergy specialist based on anything other than internal medicine”. This could lead to the opinions of other basic fields (pediatrics, dermatology, otolaryngology, ophthalmology) in the allergy society being disregarded, and questions could arise about the fairness of the specialist system. Decisions that are biased towards specific societies or fields risk undermining the transparency of the system as a whole.
2. Inappropriate behavior by the subspecialty committee
At the subspecialty committee, the chairperson, Junko Takita, summarized the content of the resolutions, but as she was unable to attend the board meeting, the director, Miyazaki, gave the response at the board meeting. The problem is that Miyazaki agreed with the committee’s resolutions, but at the stage of submitting them to the board meeting, he repeatedly withdrew the agenda, saying that he could not accept them. This is an action that creates a contradiction in the committee’s decision-making process and undermines the trust of other committee members and the academic society.
3. Lack of transparency and accountability
Mr. Miyazaki’s action of withdrawing the subspecialty committee’s resolution at the board of directors meeting demonstrates a lack of transparency and accountability. If the content of the decisions made by the committee is not properly communicated to the board of directors, the transparency of the management of the subspecialty area and the specialist physician system will be undermined, and the decision-making process will not be satisfactory to other stakeholders.
4. Allegations of conflict of interest
Mr. Miyazaki’s actions could lead to the agenda of the Japanese Society of Allergology being biased towards a medical perspective, and the entire Japan Medical Specialty Board being influenced by specific academic societies and fields. This is an action that goes against the basic principle that fair judgments should be made in the specialty physician system.

As we have seen, the actions of Dr. Shunichi Miyazaki have given rise to problems such as a focus on internal medicine and a lack of transparency in the organization of specialist physicians, and his actions, which appear to prioritize the interests of specific academic societies, are being called into question. Such actions have the potential to have a negative impact on the neutrality of the Japan Medical Specialty Board and the credibility of the specialist physician system as a whole, and improvements are required.
The problem with the close relationship between the President of the Japan Medical Specialty Board, Dr. Watanabe, and Dr. Miyazaki, a board member elected by the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, who has been in charge of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine’s specialist system for many years
The reason why the close relationship between Dr. Miyazaki and Dr. Watanabe is considered a problem is because it could undermine the transparency and fair operation of the organization.
Specific problems
1. Lack of fair decision-making
The board of directors is the place where important decisions regarding the operation of the specialist system are made. If the directors have a close personal relationship with each other, there is a risk that decisions will lack objectivity and fairness, and that particular intentions and opinions will be prioritized. If the President Watanabe and Director Miyazaki have a strong personal relationship, there is a risk that the opinions of other directors and committee members will not be fully reflected, and that discussions will be biased.
2. Lack of transparency
The JSME is required to operate in a fair and transparent manner. However, if there is a special relationship between board members, the internal decision-making and discussion processes may become difficult to see from the outside, and transparency may be impaired. A situation in which a particular board member has too much influence could also affect the credibility of the organization as a whole.
3. Concerns about conflicts of interest
If there are close relationships between board members, there is a risk of a conflict of interest arising, as personal interests and intentions may take precedence. For example, if the interests of a particular academic society or specialist field are given preferential treatment, there is a concern that the balance with other fields and academic societies will be lost, and the fairness of the system as a whole will be undermined.
4. Increase in dissatisfaction and distrust within the organization
If a particular board member has too much influence within the board, there is a possibility that the dissatisfaction and distrust of other board members and related parties will increase. This could lead to a decline in morale and internal conflict throughout the organization, and could have a negative impact on the operation of the specialist medical system.

The close relationship between Director Miyazaki and President Watanabe has the potential to cause a number of problems, including a lack of fairness and transparency in the organization, and the risk of conflicts of interest. In order to ensure that personal relationships do not affect the organization’s operations, strict rules and processes are necessary.
What the Miyazaki issue has caused
As the situation was like this, the secretariat of the board of specialists seemed to have suggested that it would be better to take a two-step approach, starting off as a sub-specialty of internal medicine and then adding paediatrics, dermatology, otolaryngology and ophthalmology as basic fields at the right time.
At this point, the president of the Japanese Society of Allergology became very angry and made a strong protest to various quarters.
It is assumed that the president of the society would not make a protest to the secretariat, so he must have made a direct protest to the presidents of the societies involved.
Even if they had asked the secretariat, they may not have listened to any excuses about it being a last resort, etc., because of what Mr. Miyazaki had said.
The above content is thought to be what Mr. Kadowaki said at the Japan Medical Specialty Board General Meeting in June 2024, “We have received multiple reports that the person in charge of the secretariat approached each medical society with a story that was not guaranteed, and that this led to suspicion.
As for the issue of the Japanese Society of Allergology,
I have known about it for quite some time, and I have thought about writing about it online. I have refrained from doing so in the hope that the Japan Medical Specialty Board and the relevant academic societies would be able to purify themselves, but now I have decided to go public because there are various things that I think it would be better for everyone to know about what is happening within the Japan Medical Specialty Board.
The problems with the Japanese Society of Allergology within the Japan Medical Specialty Board have been casting doubt on transparency and fairness for many years. I have been aware of these issues for some time, and while I hesitated to go public on the internet, I had hoped that the people involved would be able to clean up their act. However, I now feel that the situation within the Japan Medical Specialty Board is extremely serious, and that further tacit approval of the situation will be detrimental to many people.
Specifically, the problem is the biased decision-making process within the organization, such as the prevalence of internal medicine-centeredness, unfair treatment of the Japanese Society of Allergology, and how discussions about subspecialties are handled at board meetings. In particular, the cases where previously agreed-upon matters are overturned in the end, such as the withdrawal or modification of resolutions, have shaken the trust in the transparency and fairness of the organization.
The reason I have decided to make this public is to provide an opportunity for those involved to reflect on their own actions and make the necessary reforms. The specialist medical system is an important system that will determine the future of Japanese healthcare, and all specialist fields should be evaluated and treated fairly. By making this public, I hope to encourage external monitoring and pressure, and to promote internal reform.
Let’s return to Mr. Kadowaki’s controversial comments
“We have received multiple reports that the person in charge of the secretariat approached each academic society with a proposal that was not guaranteed, and that this led to suspicion.”
Secretariat negotiations refer to the coordination and negotiations that the secretariats of organizations and groups carry out with other organizations, government agencies, related departments, etc. The purpose of secretariat negotiations is to efficiently advance the alignment of opinions, consensus building, confirmation of procedures, and resolution of issues.
Specifically, they are carried out for the following purposes
Adjusting policies and rules: Based on the policies and rules of each organization, matters that need to be adjusted are discussed to form a common understanding and agreement.
Adjusting interests: When the interests and requests of each party involved differ, the aim is to find the best solution through negotiations.
Resolving issues: When complex problems or conflicts of opinion arise, the secretariat acts as an intermediary to resolve the issues.
Smooth progress of work: The secretariat makes detailed adjustments regarding procedures and progress, and coordinates matters so that projects and plans proceed smoothly.
In short, secretariat negotiations are a necessary process for ensuring smooth coordination between organizations.
To begin with, secretariat negotiations are a stage where discussions take place regarding how to bring together matters that have not yet been decided by the board of directors.
If you can only bring up issues that have been guaranteed, then it would be better to do everything at the board meeting.
From this point of view, Mr. Kadowaki’s comments are completely meaningless, and to begin with, the reason for this situation is the arrogance of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, which could be described as being centered on internal medicine.
Mr. Kadowaki, who was the President of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, became the President of the Japan Medical Association and made this comment at the General Assembly of the Japan Medical Specialty Board.
There are multiple issues with this case, particularly the possibility that the role and significance of secretariat negotiations were misunderstood, and the fact that there was no appropriate communication between the organizations.
1. The problem of making proposals without guarantees
The comment made by Mr. Kadowaki, “to approach them with a proposal that has no guarantee”, could damage the relationship of trust between organizations. The secretariat is responsible for negotiating with other organizations to reach agreements and make adjustments while protecting the interests of the organization and academic society, so it should conduct negotiations responsibly. If it is only possible to bring up topics with guarantees, then there is no need for secretariat

2. Misunderstanding of the role of secretariat negotiations
Secretariat negotiations are a coordination process that takes place before the final decision is made at the board meeting, and is the stage at which the specific details are worked out. Saying at this stage that “we can only talk about things that are guaranteed” shows that you misunderstand the true significance of secretariat negotiations. Negotiations are a flexible coordination process, not a final decision, so it should be understood that there is a possibility that there will be talks without guarantees. Mr. Kadowaki’s comments suggest that he may not have properly understood this coordination process.
3. The arrogance of internal medicine-centeredness and the problem of leadership
The internal medicine-centeredness of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine has been pointed out due to the fact that Mr. Kadowaki was the President of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. This could lead to unequal treatment of other academic societies and specialist fields, and raise questions about the fairness of the specialist physician system. If Mr. Kadowaki makes this statement as the President of the Japan Medical Association, it could be interpreted as an action that represents the interests of a specific academic society or specialist field, and there is a risk that the fairness of his leadership could be undermined.
4. Inconsistency of the statement and unclear responsibility
While Mr. Kadowaki points out that he was “offered a story with no guarantees”, he also criticizes the cause of the situation as being the internal medicine-centered approach of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. By pointing out the problems with the organization he was involved in, his comments lack consistency and the responsibility for the situation is unclear. This is another reason why the meaning of his comments is considered unclear.

In this case, the problem is that Mr. Kadowaki misunderstood the role of the secretariat’s negotiations, and his comments about things that were not guaranteed led to suspicion, and there were also contradictions in his own comments. In addition, the impact of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine’s internal medicine-centric approach on other specialist fields cannot be ignored, and there is a possibility that overall fairness and transparency will be undermined.
This is just my impression, but I wonder who Dr. Takashi Kadowaki really is?
I will write about the other problems with Dr. Kadowaki’s comments
in due course.
As this issue involves the president of the Japan Medical Association, which is supposed to be the highest peak of Japanese medical academia, I will again include English translation.
It’s better if people from all over the world can see it.
After all, Japanese people can only change if they are given a good kick.
If you have any problems with the content, or if you find any mistakes in the English, or if you have any information to provide, please let us know in the comments section!



ミネルバクリニック院長・仲田洋美は、日本内科学会内科専門医、日本臨床腫瘍学会がん薬物療法専門医 (がん薬物療法専門医認定者名簿)、日本人類遺伝学会臨床遺伝専門医(臨床遺伝専門医名簿:東京都)として従事し、患者様の心に寄り添った診療を心がけています。
