
2024日本専門医機構社員総会関連問題 堕ちた帝王門脇孝vs権威の挑戦者ジャンヌ仲田洋美 日本専門医機構 日本専門医機構社員・役員












1. 具体的な事例や根拠が示されていない

2. 関係者に不必要な混乱を招く

3. 問題解決への道筋が不明確

4. 責任の所在が曖昧になる

5. 建設的な議論ができない














そもそも医療安全の考え方としては、”To err is human.”、つまり、「人間は間違えるものである」ということです。




このとき、マクロという、VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)というプログラミング言語を使って、繰り返しの操作や複雑なタスクを記録し、後で簡単に再実行できるようにする、Excelでの作業を自動化するための機能が使用されました。









2-2-1-1 「提供者」の考え方

具体的には、次の「2-2-1-1 『提供者』の考え方」から「2-2-1-3 『提供』行為の考え方」までに掲げる考え方があり得るが、各類型は互いに相反するものではなく、重複することもあり得る。また、確認・記録義務の趣旨に鑑みて、その他にも、実質的に同義務が適用されない類型があることを排除するものではない。




出典:個人情報の保護に関する法律についてのガイドライン (第三者提供時の確認・記録義務編)






1.幅広い疾患を扱う: 内科では、呼吸器、消化器、循環器、内分泌、腎臓など、様々な臓器やシステムに関わる病気を扱います。そのため、患者の症状が多岐にわたることが多く、特定の病気をすぐに特定できない場合が少なくありません。正しい診断に至るためには、症状、検査結果、病歴などを総合的に考慮する必要があります。

2.検査結果の解釈と推論: 内科では、血液検査や画像診断、心電図など多様な検査が行われますが、これらの結果を単に数値として捉えるだけでなく、その背景にある可能性のある疾患を推論し、さらに必要な検査や診断手法を選択します。複雑な検査結果を一つの病気に結びつけるには、しっかりとした推論と分析が不可欠です。

3.症状の因果関係を探る: 患者が訴える症状は、しばしば複数の疾患に関連していることが多いため、その因果関係を探りながら、可能性のある病気をひとつずつ排除していくアプローチが重要です。このようにして最終的な診断に至るプロセスは、まるでパズルを解くような論理的な推論が求められます。

4.治療方針の決定: 正確な診断が行われることによって、最適な治療方針を決定することができるため、診断のストラテジーが非常に重要です。誤った診断が行われると、治療も効果を発揮しないばかりか、患者にとって有害になることもあります。






Examining the issue of the comments made by Takashi Kadowaki, President of the Japan Medical Association, at the 2024 Japan Medical Specialty Board General Meeting [2]

Issues related to the 2024 Japan Medical Specialty Organization General Meeting

Hello everyone.
In the previous article, we reported on the content of the comments made by Dr. Kadowaki, President of the Japan Medical Association, and Dr. Matsumoto, President of the Japan Medical Association, at the general meeting of the Japan Medical Specialty Board on June 28th, 2024, which included the words “Why do I have to say this here?
(Related article: Japan Medical Specialty Board 2024/06/28 General Meeting: Unrestful Remarks by the President of the Japan Medical Association and the President of the Japan Medical Association
2024 Japan Medical Specialty Board General Meeting: Examining the Remarks of the President of the Japan Medical Association, Takashi Kadowaki [1])
In this article, we would like to look at the second part of our examination of the legal issues surrounding the comments made by Dr. Kadowaki at the 2024/06/28 general meeting of the Japan Medical Specialty Board.
We will be looking at these issues in depth in a series of articles, so please look forward to them.
Review of the problematic comments made by Dr. Kadowaki, President of the Japan Medical Association, at the general meeting of the Japan Medical Specialty Board
For the all,
please see
Japan Medical Association President and Japan Medical Association President’s Unrestful Remarks at the Japan Medical Specialty Board General Meeting on 28/06/2024
Issues with the comments made by Takashi Kadowaki 2
In this article, I would like to consider the issues with the following parts
I have received reports from several people involved that the secretariat has not been properly communicating with the board of directors, committees, and academic societies. There are many problems, such as forcing academic societies to register with the system without adequate preparation, causing confusion, and the fact that it took a long time for the leak of personal information to be reported to the board of directors.
Examining the legal issues in the above statement
Regarding the statement “I have received reports from multiple people involved that the secretariat is not properly communicating with the board of directors, committees, and the academic society.”
When making a public statement in front of more than 100 people that the secretariat is “not properly communicating with the board of directors, committees, and the academic society,” the main problem is that there is a lack of concrete information. Let’s consider the issues below.
1. No specific examples or evidence are given
The speaker does not give any specific examples or details of the situation to show what kind of information or explanation is lacking. When raising an issue, it is necessary to give specific examples and evidence of when and in what situations the problem occurred. Otherwise, it may be taken as mere gossip or a subjective criticism, and there is a risk that it will not lead to a substantive solution.
2. Causing unnecessary confusion among those involved
If you simply tell people that “the handover of information and explanations are inadequate” without providing any specifics, those who hear this will not be able to accurately grasp which parts are the problem, and there is a possibility that misunderstandings and unnecessary confusion will arise. In addition, there is a risk that suspicion will spread to other departments and those involved, and morale and trust within the organization will decline.
3. The path to solving the problem is unclear
If you don’t give specific details, those involved won’t know what points they need to improve. The secretariat will also be unable to take appropriate action, as they won’t know what or how to improve. When raising an issue, you need to show detailed circumstances and examples, and discuss improvement measures based on this.
4. The location of responsibility becomes unclear
Statements that lack specifics tend to make it unclear who is responsible. If you only point out that the handover or explanation is inadequate, it is not clear whether the entire secretariat is to blame or whether it is the fault of a particular person in charge. In order to clarify the scope of responsibility and the scale of the problem, more detailed information is essential.
5. Unable to have a constructive discussion
If the information is not specific enough, it will be impossible to have a constructive discussion. If the true nature of the problem remains vague, criticism will be the only thing discussed, without any concrete action being taken to improve the situation. Only when specific data and examples are presented will it be possible to consider appropriate measures to deal with the problem.
Therefore, when speaking in a group of 100 or more people, it is important to present specific problems and detailed examples. If the information is unclear, it will not lead to a solution to the problem, and there is a high possibility that it will only end up causing confusion and mistrust.
In this way, it is not an exaggeration to say that the method of “pointing out the problem without touching the core at all” is a strategy of confusing people with “panchira”.
Regarding “causing confusion by forcing the academic society to register the system without sufficient preparation”
At the Japan Medical Specialty Board, information such as the names of the people in charge of the training programs and administrative staff was initially received from each academic society in Excel format at the start of the system in 2018, and this was reflected in the system.
From 2021, due to a renewal of the system, the providers of the training programs were able to register directly in the Japan Medical Specialty Board system, so the Board asked each academic society to register either themselves or through the medical institutions providing the programs.
However, there were some academic societies that did not comply with this.
These included the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, the Japanese Society of Surgery, and the Japanese Society of Radiology.
These societies made the argument that they would continue to send the data to the JSME in Excel format as before, and asked the JSME to register it for them. They have continued to do the same thing ever since, and this year, in 2024, they are still repeating the same thing.
The problem with the fact that some societies are not complying
The reason for this situation continuing may be due to the culture and operational policies of each society, or their resistance to the transition to the new system. For those involved who are used to the old way of doing things, it is understandable that adapting to the new system may seem like a hassle, but this will hinder progress and efficiency.
In particular, the aim of the system update by the specialist medical organization and the ability for training program providers to register themselves was to increase transparency, manage information more efficiently, and reduce errors and delays. Nevertheless, some academic societies have not responded to this and are continuing with their old methods, and as a result, inefficient operations that require time and effort are continuing.
This kind of resistance is a problem that can be seen in other industries as well, as digitization and system reform progress. However, in order to ultimately improve the medical frontline and the training system as a whole, it is necessary to move beyond these old customs and adapt to new systems. In the long term, the cooperation of all parties involved in striving for efficiency will also contribute to improving the quality of medical care.
Therefore, it is essential to create an environment in which we can smoothly transition to the new system by deepening dialogue on these issues and providing appropriate transition support and training.
The problem of dragging your feet because you don’t like it
What do you mean by not following the rules when they’ve changed?
And what do you mean by “forcing the academic society to register on the system without adequate preparation, causing confusion”?
I should mention that when the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine held its first academic conference online only due to the coronavirus pandemic, the server went down on the first day and it was impossible to connect.
Isn’t that “poor preparation”?
The basic idea of medical safety is that “to err is human.” In other words, “humans make mistakes.”
There is nothing that is perfect, even if you prepare for it.
If there are any problems, why not just fix them as they arise? Why do we use them to “pull the legs of others and other organizations” like this?
This attitude is pre-modern and is one of the factors that prevents constructive discussion and progress. The essence of medical safety is not to reduce mistakes to zero, but to deal with them on the premise that mistakes will occur and to take measures to improve them. Nevertheless, an attitude that emphasizes excessive blame and criticism will ultimately delay the resolution of problems and result in a loss of motivation in the workplace.
In addition, organizational evolution lies in learning from mistakes and building a system that shares this information to prevent the same mistakes from being made again. In an environment where criticism is the only thing that prevails, a culture of hiding mistakes will be born, and opportunities for essential improvement will be lost.
What is important is not to be afraid of failure, but to openly discuss it and grow together from it. I think that true medical safety can only be achieved by creating such a culture.
Regarding “it took a long time before the leak of personal information was reported to the board of directors”
This seems to be related to the above content.
For some academic societies that wanted to submit their most recent programs in Excel, the Japan Medical Specialty Board had a system development company create “Excel that can be directly registered in the Japan Medical Specialty Board system”.
At this time, a function called “macro” was used, which is a programming language called VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) that records repetitive operations and complex tasks so that they can be easily re-executed later, to automate work in Excel.
To check this using actual data, it seems that data from the year before the A conference was used.
Then, Excel with macros was delivered from the vendor to the specialist medical organization.
However, at this time, due to a mistake by the vendor, the data from the A conference was still left in the file, but it had been sorted, so it was uploaded to the cloud without being noticed, and the internal medicine conference downloaded it.
The Internal Medicine Association noticed that this Excel file contained information such as the names of the hospitals providing the programs, the names of the people in charge, and the names of the people in charge of the administrative work, etc., and after checking online, they realized that the names and hospital names in this data existed, and contacted the organization, saying, “This is real personal information,” and “How can they distribute something like this?”
At that point, the specialist medical organization made the data inaccessible, and only the internal medicine association was able to download it.
Are the names of the hospitals that provide the program, the names of the people in charge, and the names of the people in charge of the administration, etc. personal information that should be protected by the Personal Information Protection Law?
There is no room for debate that these fall under the category of personal information. When acquiring personal information, the purpose of acquisition must be specified, and it must be made public, notified, or posted.
Is information published on the internet protected by the Personal Information Protection Law?
Even if the information is already public knowledge, there is a risk that it could lead to a violation of an individual’s rights and interests, depending on how it is handled, such as its purpose of use or collation with other personal information. The Personal Information Protection Law therefore protects information that has already been made public, without distinguishing it from other personal information. Is personal information that has already been made public in newspapers or on the internet protected by the Personal Information Protection Law?
In this case, does it mean that the “names of the hospitals providing the program, the names of the people in charge, and the administrative staff in charge” of the A Society were provided to a third party?
2-2-1-1 The concept of “provider
If the case falls under either (1) Provision by the Individual Themself or (2) Provision on Behalf of the Individual Themself, the obligation to confirm and record the information does not apply, as it is not effectively provided by the “provider”. With regard to the provision of information by a third party, i.e. the act of “providing” information from the “provider” to the “recipient”, the applicability of each element is judged in light of the purpose of the obligation to confirm and record the information.
Specifically, the following concepts listed in “2-2-1-1: The concept of ‘provider’” to “2-2-1-3: The concept of ‘provision’” may be applicable, but each category is not mutually exclusive and there may be cases where they overlap. In addition, in light of the purpose of the obligation to confirm and record, there is no exclusion of other cases where the obligation is not practically applicable.
– Omitted –
[Cases that fall under provision by the individual]
Example: When acquiring the profile of the poster and the content of the post on a social networking service
Provision on behalf of the individual
When a business handling personal information provides personal data of an individual to a third party based on a commission from the individual, the business handling personal information is providing the personal data “on behalf of the individual”.
Therefore, in this case, neither the provider nor the recipient is subject to the obligation to confirm or record the provision of personal data to a third party.
Whether or not a business operator handling personal information can be considered to be providing personal data based on a commission from the individual in question will be determined by considering the content of the commission, the content of the personal data to be provided, and the personal information handling business operator to which the data is provided, etc., as a whole, and from the perspective of whether or not the individual in question can specifically identify the provision in question.
In addition, when receiving a commission to provide personal data from the individual, it is possible that the personal data of someone other than the “individual” may be included in the personal data.
Source: Guidelines on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Verification and Recording Obligations when Providing Personal Information to a Third Party)
In other words, when a business handling personal information commissions all or part of the handling of personal data to a third party within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, if the personal data is provided
Even if the information is already public knowledge, there is a risk that it could lead to a violation of an individual’s rights and interests depending on how it is handled, such as the purpose of use or collation with other personal information, so the Personal Information Protection Law protects even information that has already been made public, without distinguishing it from other personal information. Is personal information that has already been made public in newspapers or on the internet protected by the Personal Information Protection Law?
In short, in this case, the information provided by the A Society, such as the names of the hospitals providing the program, the names of the people in charge, and the administrative staff in charge, is formally judged to be information that should be registered by the hospitals providing the program or the A Society in the system of the Specialist Medical Organization, but instead they are requesting that the Specialist Medical Organization register it as a form of “outsourcing”, so it is not considered to be a case of providing personal information to a third party.
Can the A Society and the Internal Medicine Society be considered to be [external] to the Specialist Medical Organization, or [third parties]?
When we asked the ministry in charge of the general incorporated association law about this, we received a response that it was impossible to determine whether the people belonging to the organization (members of the general incorporated association, not employees) were external or internal, as there were no clear regulations in the law.
In other words, in this case, there is a high possibility that it will not be considered to be a third party provision.
Without sorting out these issues, why is the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine making such a fuss, saying things like “the JSOI secretariat is at fault, and there is no governance”?
Internal medicine is a medical specialty that places great importance on the process and strategy of diagnosis. The reason for this is that internal medicine deals mainly with various diseases that occur inside the body, and the symptoms of these diseases are often complex and diverse.
The following are some of the reasons why internal medicine places such importance on diagnostic strategies.
1. It deals with a wide range of diseases: Internal medicine deals with diseases that affect various organs and systems, such as the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, endocrine, and renal systems. As a result, patients often have a wide range of symptoms, and it is not always possible to immediately identify a specific disease. In order to reach a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to consider the symptoms, test results, and medical history as a whole.
2. Interpretation and inference of test results: In internal medicine, various tests are carried out, such as blood tests, imaging diagnosis, and electrocardiograms, but it is not enough to simply look at the results as numbers. It is also necessary to infer the possible diseases behind these results, and then select the necessary tests and diagnostic methods. In order to link complex test results to a single disease, it is essential to have a solid basis for inference and analysis.
3. Exploring the causal relationship between symptoms: Since the symptoms that patients complain of are often related to multiple diseases, it is important to eliminate possible diseases one by one while exploring the causal relationship. The process of reaching a final diagnosis in this way requires logical inference, like solving a puzzle.
4. Determining the treatment plan: The strategy for diagnosis is extremely important, because an accurate diagnosis allows the most appropriate treatment plan to be determined. If a wrong diagnosis is made, not only will the treatment be ineffective, but it may even be harmful to the patient.
As you can see, internal medicine is not simply a matter of mechanically processing symptoms and test results, but rather a medical specialty that requires a strategic approach to diagnosis, based on an understanding of the patient’s overall picture and an analysis of the complex factors involved. For this reason, the ability to construct a diagnosis based on logical thinking and extensive knowledge is considered to be of great importance.
However, the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine has been making a lot of noise recently, saying things like “What are you going to do about the personal information leaks! .
I think that Dr. Takashi Kadowaki made this comment after hearing about this. Dr. Kadowaki is a specialist in internal medicine, but has he never considered these issues before? I have to question his ability as a doctor!
I’m surprised that someone like him is the president of the Japan Medical Association.
I’ll write about the other issues with Dr. Kadowaki’s comments
in due course.
As this issue involves the president of The Japanese Medical Science Federation, which is supposed to be the highest peak of Japanese medical academia, I will add English to the article as I did last time.
You know, it would be better if people from all over the world could see this.
After all, Japanese people can only change if they are exposed to foreign cultures.
If you find any problems with the content, any mistakes in the English, or any information you would like to provide, please let us know in the comments section!



ミネルバクリニック院長・仲田洋美は、日本内科学会内科専門医、日本臨床腫瘍学会がん薬物療法専門医 (がん薬物療法専門医認定者名簿)、日本人類遺伝学会臨床遺伝専門医(臨床遺伝専門医名簿:東京都)として従事し、患者様の心に寄り添った診療を心がけています。
